Museum Staff Spotlight: Brady Scott Dunaway, Natural Heritage Program Ecologist

Brady Dunaway’s lifelong love and respect for the outdoors make him a perfect addition to the Museum’s team! Brady is dedicated to preserving Mississippi’s wonderful places and species for current and future generations.

Get to know him better in this interview and learn more about how ecology is like a puzzle that ecologists work to solve.

Museum Staff Spotlight: Kaylee Tweedy, Visitor Services Representative

Have you met Kaylee on a Museum visit or maybe in the gift shop? When asked why she chose this career, Kaylee says, “I've always loved nature and museums, so I wanted to spend my time in a museum any way that I could!”.

Get to know her better in this interview and learn more about what she does as an important part of the Museum’s frontline team!

Museum Staff Spotlight: Jack Creely, Environmental\Natural Resource Specialist I

Curious about what you can do with a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Management? Meet Jack Creely! He’s doing the things he loves and helping conserve Mississippi’s natural beauty - from conducting field work, like bat surveys, to installing special exhibits and maintaining the Museum’s collections with his peers.

Like Jack says, “Who wouldn’t want to be outside catching bats and crawling in caves?”! Jack’s enthusiasm, skill, and dedication make him a valuable member of our team!

Museum Staff Spotlight: Meaghan A. Huseman, Outreach Educator

If you’re interested in teaching but don’t want to be in the classroom, then you might be interested in a career as a museum educator. Outreach Educator Meaghan Huseman taught middle school science for eight years and then decided to pursue an M.S. in Conservation Education - which ultimately led her to join the Museum’s education team.

Through a wide range of specially designed programs, projects, and events, our Outreach Team brings the Museum to school children and adults statewide. We hope you’ll have the chance to meet Meaghan - she’s a remarkable educator and we are fortunate to have her on our team!

Museum Staff Spotlight: Calvin Rezac, Environmental/Natural Resources Specialist III

Environmental/Natural Resources Specialist III Calvin Rezac grew up in Minnesota exploring the outdoors with his family and later in college with mentors and colleagues. If you’re interested in knowing more about what a scientific researcher does, or maybe in becoming one yourself, then you’re in for a treat! This interview is chock-full of excellent advice plus personal stories of Calvin’s journey to developing a career that doesn’t feel like “work”.